For all professional health care providers, learn Hypnosis Connection's proven practice building system.
How to Book Yourself Solid
Business consulting for professional practice building doesn't cost… it pays
Practice building for professional health care practitioners is a matter of engineering and understanding the client delivery system.
Delivery System Rules
Understand the real reasons people buy your service
Offer products and services that are desired and in strong demand
Get and hold the attention of prospects interested in what you have to offer
Make your offer convenient, valuable and desired
Be easy to do business with
That's just for starters. Where, when and how you advertise, market and use public relations will impact the number of phone inquiries you receive. How you answer phone calls can determine success or failure of your practice.
Offering your client exceptional service includes offering up-sells, back-sells and cross-over sales of products and services your client wants, needs, desires and will benefit from.
Perpetual Motion
Successful practice building is a loop where one component of the delivery system feeds and relies on the next. Break a link in the delivery system chain and your practice suffers. Remember, poor demand is the primary reason for practice failure.
Building demand is a simple process of delivering exceptional client results. Documenting those results. And featuring those results in every aspect of your practice. Marketing, advertising, public relations, social media, web site, products, seminars and more.
Deliver extraordinary client results and learn how to market those results to book yourself solid.
Business Consulting For Professionals
You get everything you need to leap ahead of your competition. The strategies offered in this training are in use daily at the Hypnosis Connection offices and many of the most successful hypnotist, psychologist, social worker and medical offices today. HC training includes…
Proven phone script that converts the curious into the anxious
Intake forms that convince, persuade and sell
Client hand-outs that discourage price shopping
Ad examples proven to generate maximum response
TV commercial examples that eliminate the "will this work for me?" objection
How to use your free screening to qualify and explain client responsibilities
How to use your guarantee to close the sale
Structuring programs for extended high profit and superior client results
Discover the buying environment office layout and decor
Use video in your reception room and increase fees and sign-ups
Referral generation strategies that results in clients replacing themselves with a new client after success is achieved
Physician referral acquisition to fill your appointment books
Perform trainings and seminars for the public, corporations and members of your own profession
Learn how to develop and deliver in-demand products
Get public speaking engagements paying up to $6,000 for a 45 minute performance
Take advantage of low cost digital press releases for high community visibility and profit
Let's Be Honest
Health care professionals are not adequately trained in marketing, advertising or simple practice building. Because this is true, most benefit greatly from a business consulting mentorship. You make fewer costly mistakes and learn how to realize the most profit from each marketing dollar you spend.
Examine this web site. See the wide array of products and services offered. Count the documented comments from former clients and professional students.
Hypnosis Connection teaches what we use because IT WORKS!
The Hypnosis Connection Practice Building System has been proven over a 25 year span in the most demanding test lab on earth… the real marketplace. Where a single mistake can result in financial and professional disaster.
Experience, Knowledge & Skill
Your trainer consultants at HC have the experience, knowledge, skill and easily duplicatable practice building system that will increase client load, results and profitability proportionately.
Your trainers have owned and operated a chain of five clinics, performed more than 1,500 seminars, speaking engagements and stage shows, trained literally thousands of professional health care providers and earned millions of dollars in the process.
Now it's your turn to take advantage of the CHC practical, profitable and unique business consulting practice building system.
Own A Successful Practice
A free business consulting screening is required to determine if this is the right training to fit your needs and accomplish your goals. This service is offered in a group training format and an exclusive one on one mentorship.
Call (813) 519-4996 for your free screening. It doesn't cost, it pays.
"The training was well delivered. The course content was the best I have ever attended. I will recommend it to everyone especially physicians who want to improve their patients lives."
David Amponsah, MD
"I came looking for a means to move my practice from part-time to a full-time practice. Producing an income greater than 200k. The tools and techniques demonstrated and shown are excellent. Thanks!"
Barbara M. Caleca, Nurse
"Las Vegas workshop was quite informative and has provided the necessary tools to start a profitable practice."
Watson Lee, SAG actor
"Scott, you teach with so much grace, tact and brilliance. You taught me to do so much more than getting up on stage. You have given me a much better sense of self, just being. Wow, do I ever feel ready to run out like a "mad woman" and do. I will go out and spread some light."
Nadine Manual
Clinical and Demonstration Hypnotist
"The training you provided has already paid for itself several times over! Thanks for giving me the confidence, the tools and the methods to succeed as a hypnotist. It's a blast!"
C.J. Johnson
Master Hypnotist